Episode #434 - Romi Rami
A review of Romi Rami written by Stephen Conway.
Source de l'article : https://thespiel.net/node/1348A review of Romi Rami written by Stephen Conway.
Source de l'article : https://thespiel.net/node/1348In Akropolis, you build a miniature city in ancient Greece, scoring points for plazas and districts in five different ways. Akropolis feels like five puzzles in one. Can you layer the pieces to make each part of your city prosper?
Lire l'actualitéWe finish the first half of Season 18 with a flourish - a variety show jam-packed with quality conversations and plenty of fun and games!
Lire l'actualitéIn 1859, Barcelona's expansion followed the first truly modern plan. A grid of wide streets divided into blocks and essential services in every area. Can you build this new Barcelona, using intersections and actions to balance the needs of all?
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